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func newErrorBar[T: SomeNumber](color: Color = empty(); thickness = 0.0;
                                width = 0.0; visible = true): ErrorBar[T]
creates an ErrorBar object of type ebkSqrt Source   Edit  
func newErrorBar[T: SomeNumber](err: T; color: Color = empty(); thickness = 0.0;
                                width = 0.0; visible = true; percent = false): ErrorBar[
creates an ErrorBar object of type ebkConstantSym or ebkPercentSym, if the percent flag is set to true Source   Edit  
func newErrorBar[T: SomeNumber](err: tuple[m, p: seq[T]];
                                color: Color = empty(); thickness = 0.0;
                                width = 0.0; visible = true): ErrorBar[T]
creates an ErrorBar object of type ebkArrayAsym, where the first Note: the first seq of the err tuple is the negative error seq, the second the positive! Source   Edit  
func newErrorBar[T: SomeNumber](err: tuple[m, p: T]; color: Color = empty();
                                thickness = 0.0; width = 0.0; visible = true;
                                percent = false): ErrorBar[T]
creates an ErrorBar object of type ebkConstantAsym, constant plus and minus errors given as tuple or ebkPercentAsym of percent flag is set to true Note: the first element of the err tuple is the negative size, the second the positive! Source   Edit  
func newErrorBar[T](err: seq[T]; color: Color = empty(); thickness = 0.0;
                    width = 0.0; visible = true): ErrorBar[T]
creates an ErrorBar object of type ebkArraySym Source   Edit