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proc addTrace[T](plt: Plot[T]; t: Trace[T]): Plot[T]
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proc backgroundColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc binRange[T](plt: Plot[T]; start, stop: float; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc binSize[T](plt: Plot[T]; size: float; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc colormap[T; U: AllowedColorMap](plt: Plot[T]; colormap: U; idx = 0): Plot[T]
assigns the given colormap to the trace of index idx A colormap can be given as one of the following:
  • ColorMap: enum
  • PredefinedCustomMaps: enum
  • CustomColorMap: ref object
  • colormapData: seq[tuple[r, g, b: float64]]
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proc gridColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc gridColorX[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc gridColorY[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc gridWidth[T](plt: Plot[T]; width: int): Plot[T]
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proc gridWidthX[T](plt: Plot[T]; width: int): Plot[T]
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proc gridWidthY[T](plt: Plot[T]; width: int): Plot[T]
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proc heatmapTrace[T](z: seq[seq[T]]): Trace[T]
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proc height[T, U: SomeNumber](plt: Plot[T]; height: U): Plot[T]
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proc histTrace[T](hist: seq[T]): Trace[T]
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proc legend[T](plt: Plot[T]; legend: Legend): Plot[T]
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proc legendBgColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc legendBorderColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc legendBorderWidth[T](plt: Plot[T]; width: int): Plot[T]
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proc legendLocation[T](plt: Plot[T]; x, y: float): Plot[T]
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proc legendOrientation[T](plt: Plot[T]; orientation: Orientation): Plot[T]
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proc lineWidth[T](plt: Plot[T]; val: SomeNumber; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc markerColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; colors: seq[Color] | seq[T] = @[];
                    map: ColorMap = ColorMap.None; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc markerSize[T](plt: Plot[T]; val: SomeNumber; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc markerSizes[T](plt: Plot[T]; sizes: seq[T]; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc mode[T](plt: Plot[T]; m: PlotMode; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc name[T](plt: Plot[T]; name: string; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc nbins[T](plt: Plot[T]; nbins: int; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc newPlot(xlabel = ""; ylabel = ""; title = ""): Plot[float64] {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
create a plot with sane default layout. Source   Edit  
proc paperColor[T](plt: Plot[T]; color: Color): Plot[T]
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proc roundOrIdent[T: SomeNumber](x: T): T
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proc scatterTrace[T, U](x: seq[T]; y: seq[U]): Trace[T]
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proc text[T; U: string | seq[string]](plt: Plot[T]; val: U; idx = 0): Plot[T]
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proc title[T](plt: Plot[T]; t: string): Plot[T]
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proc width[T, U: SomeNumber](plt: Plot[T]; width: U): Plot[T]
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proc xlabel[T](plt: Plot[T]; label: string): Plot[T]
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proc ylabel[T](plt: Plot[T]; label: string): Plot[T]
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proc zmax[T](plt: Plot[T]; val: float; idx = 0): Plot[T]
Allows to set the maximum value of the colormap for a heatmap for trace of index idx Source   Edit  
proc zmin[T](plt: Plot[T]; val: float; idx = 0): Plot[T]
Allows to set the minimum value of the colormap for a heatmap for trace of index idx Source   Edit  


template barPlot(x, y: untyped): untyped
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template heatmap(x, y, z: untyped): untyped
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template heatmap[T](z: seq[seq[T]]): untyped
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template histPlot(hist: untyped): untyped
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template pltLabel(plt: untyped; axis: untyped; label: string): untyped
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template scatterColor(x, y, z: untyped): untyped
adds a color dimension to the scatter plot in addition Source   Edit  
template scatterPlot(x, y: untyped): untyped
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