FormulaMismatchError = object of CatchableError
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FormulaNode = object name*: string case kind*: FormulaKind of fkVariable: val*: Value of fkAssign: lhs*: string rhs*: Value of fkVector: colName*: string resType*: ColKind fnV*: proc (df: DataFrame): Column of fkScalar: valName*: string valKind*: ValueKind fnS*: proc (c: DataFrame): Value of fkNone: nil
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proc `$`(node: FormulaNode): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
- Converts node to its string representation Source Edit
proc hash(fn: FormulaNode): Hash {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
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proc raw(node: FormulaNode): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
- prints the raw stringification of node Source Edit
proc toUgly(result: var string; node: FormulaNode) {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
- This is the formula stringification, which can be used to access the corresponding column of in a DF that corresponds to the formula Source Edit
macro compileFormulaImpl(rawName: static string; funcKind: static FormulaKind): untyped
Second stage of formula macro. The typed stage of the macro. It's important that the macro is typed, as otherwise we risk that it is evaluated before the addSymbols calls, if we are within a generic procedure. That leads to the CT tables being empty. By making it typed (which we can do, because we store all problematic AST into the CT tables), we force evaluation to the same compilation stage as addSymbols.
Extracts the typed symbols from TypedSymbols CT table and uses it to determine possible types for column references.
Source Edit macro `{}`(x: untyped{ident}; y: untyped): untyped
TODO: add some ability to explicitly create formulas of different kinds more easily! Essentially force the type without a check to avoid having to rely on heuristics. Use
- <- for assignment
- << for reduce operations, i.e. scalar proc?
- ~ for vector like proc
- formula without any of the above will be considered:
- fkVariable if no column involved
- fkVector else
- <type>: <actualFormula>: simple type hint for tensors in closure
- <type> -> <resType>: <actualFormula>: full type for closure. <type> is the dtype used for tensors, <resType> the resulting type
- df[<someIdent/Sym>]: to access columns using identifiers / symbols defined in the scope
- idx: can be used to access the loop iteration index
buildName, buildResultColName, isValidType, AssignKind, nodeIsDfIdx, DtypeOrderMap, hasExplicitTypeHint, DtypesAll, HeuristicType, FormulaKind, fkAssign, fkVector, parsePreface, Lift, nodeIsDf, toStrType, Assign, FormulaCT, Dtypes, fkScalar, extractCall, isColumnType, fkVariable, Preface, sortTypes, sortTypes, TypeHint, generateClosure, fkNone, FormulaTypes, $