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This module implements various interpolation routines. See also:

  • rbf module for RBF interpolation of scattered data in arbitrary dimensions.

1D interpolation

  • Hermite spline (recommended): cubic spline that works with many types of values. Accepts derivatives if available.
  • Cubic spline: cubic spline that only works with floats.
  • Linear spline: Linear spline that works with many types of values.


Extrapolation is supported for all 1D interpolators by passing the type of extrapolation as an argument of eval. The default is to use the interpolator's native method to extrapolate. This means that Linear does linear extrapolation, while Hermite and Cubic performs cubic extrapolation. Other options are using a constant value, using the values of the edges, linear extrapolation and raising an error if the x-value is outside the domain.


import src/numericalnim/interpolate
import numericalnim, std/[math, sequtils]

let x = linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10)
let y = x.mapIt(sin(it))

let interp = newHermiteSpline(x, y)

let val = interp.eval(0.314)

let valExtrapolate = interp.eval(1.1, Edge)

2D interpolation

  • Bicubic: Works on gridded data.
  • Bilinear: Works on gridded data.
  • Nearest neighbour: Works on gridded data.
  • Barycentric: Works on scattered data.


import src/numericalnim/interpolate
import arraymancer, numericalnim

var z = newTensor[float](10, 10)
for i, x in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10):
  for j, y in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10):
    z[i, j] = x * y

let xlim = (0.0, 1.0)
let ylim = (0.0, 1.0)
let interp = newBicubicSpline(z, xlim, ylim)

let val = interp.eval(0.314, 0.628)

3D interpolation

  • Trilinear: works on gridded data


import src/numericalnim/interpolate
import arraymancer, numericalnim

var f = newTensor[float](10, 10, 10)
for i, x in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10):
  for j, y in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10):
    for k, z in linspace(0.0, 1.0, 10):
      f[i, j, k] = x * y * z

let xlim = (0.0, 1.0)
let ylim = (0.0, 1.0)
let zlim = (0.0, 1.0)
let interp = newTrilinearSpline(f, xlim, ylim, zlim)

let val = interp.eval(0.314, 0.628, 0.414)


Eval2DHandler[T] = proc (self: Interpolator2DType[T]; x, y: float): T {.nimcall.}
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Eval3DHandler[T] = proc (self: Interpolator3DType[T]; x, y, z: float): T {.
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EvalHandler[T] = proc (self: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T {.nimcall.}
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EvalUnstructured2DHandler[T; U] = proc (self: InterpolatorUnstructured2DType[T,
    U]; x, y: float): U {.nimcall.}
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ExtrapolateKind = enum
  Constant, Edge, Linear, Native, Error
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Interpolator2DType[T] = ref object
  z*, xGrad*, yGrad*, xyGrad*: Tensor[T]
  alphaCache*: Table[(int, int), Tensor[T]]
  dx*, dy*: float
  xLim*, yLim*: tuple[lower: float, upper: float]
  eval_handler*: Eval2DHandler[T]
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Interpolator3DType[T] = ref object
  f*: Tensor[T]
  dx*, dy*, dz*: float
  xLim*, yLim*, zLim*: tuple[lower: float, upper: float]
  eval_handler*: Eval3DHandler[T]
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InterpolatorType[T] = ref object
  X*: seq[float]
  Y*: seq[T]
  coeffs_f*: Tensor[float]
  coeffs_T*: Tensor[T]
  high*: int
  len*: int
  eval_handler*: EvalHandler[T]
  deriveval_handler*: EvalHandler[T]
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InterpolatorUnstructured2DType[T; U] = ref object
  values*: Tensor[T]
  points*: Tensor[U]
  dt*: DelaunayTriangulation
  z*, gradX*, gradY*: Table[(T, T), U]
  boundPoints*: array[4, Vector2]
  eval_handler*: EvalUnstructured2DHandler[T, U]
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proc derivEval[T; U](interpolator: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float;
                     extrap: ExtrapolateKind = Native;
                     extrapValue: U = missing()): T
Evaluates the derivative of an interpolator.
  • x: The point to evaluate the interpolator at.
  • extrap: The extrapolation method to use. Available options are:
  • Constant: Set all points outside the range of the interpolator to extrapValue.
  • Edge: Use the value of the left/right edge.
  • Linear: Uses linear extrapolation using the two points closest to the edge.
  • Native (default): Uses the native method of the interpolator to extrapolate. For Linear1D it will be a linear extrapolation, and for Cubic and Hermite splines it will be cubic extrapolation.
  • Error: Raises an ValueError if x is outside the range.
  • extrapValue: The extrapolation value to use when extrap = Constant.

Beware: Native extrapolation for the cubic splines can very quickly diverge if the extrapolation is too far away from the interpolation points.

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proc derivEval[T; U](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: openArray[float];
                     extrap: ExtrapolateKind = Native;
                     extrapValue: U = missing()): seq[T]
Evaluates the derivative of an interpolator at all points in x. Source   Edit  
proc derivEval_cubicspline[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc derivEval_hermitespline[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc derivEval_linear1d[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc eval[T; U](interpolator: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float;
                extrap: ExtrapolateKind = Native; extrapValue: U = missing()): T
Evaluates an interpolator.
  • x: The point to evaluate the interpolator at.
  • extrap: The extrapolation method to use. Available options are:
  • Constant: Set all points outside the range of the interpolator to extrapValue.
  • Edge: Use the value of the left/right edge.
  • Linear: Uses linear extrapolation using the two points closest to the edge.
  • Native (default): Uses the native method of the interpolator to extrapolate. For Linear1D it will be a linear extrapolation, and for Cubic and Hermite splines it will be cubic extrapolation.
  • Error: Raises an ValueError if x is outside the range.
  • extrapValue: The extrapolation value to use when extrap = Constant.

Beware: Native extrapolation for the cubic splines can very quickly diverge if the extrapolation is too far away from the interpolation points.

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proc eval[T; U](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: openArray[float];
                extrap: ExtrapolateKind = Native; extrapValue: U = missing()): seq[
Evaluates an interpolator at all points in x. Source   Edit  
proc eval_barycentric2d[T, U](self: InterpolatorUnstructured2DType[T, U];
                              x, y: float): U
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proc eval_bicubic[T](self: Interpolator2DType[T]; x, y: float): T {.nimcall.}
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proc eval_bilinear[T](self: Interpolator2DType[T]; x, y: float): T {.nimcall.}
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proc eval_cubicspline[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc eval_hermitespline[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc eval_linear1d[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]; x: float): T
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proc eval_nearestneigh[T](self: Interpolator2DType[T]; x, y: float): T {.nimcall.}
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proc eval_trilinear[T](self: Interpolator3DType[T]; x, y, z: float): T {.nimcall.}
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proc findInterval(list: openArray[float]; x: float): int {.inline, ...raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
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proc newBarycentric2D[T: SomeFloat; U](points: Tensor[T]; values: Tensor[U]): InterpolatorUnstructured2DType[
    T, U]

Barycentric interpolation of scattered points in 2D.


  • points: Tensor of shape (nPoints, 2) with the coordinates of all points.
  • values: Tensor of shape (nPoints) with the function values.


  • Interpolator object that can be evaluated using interp.eval(x, y.
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proc newBicubicSpline[T](z: Tensor[T]; xlim, ylim: (float, float)): Interpolator2DType[
Returns a bicubic spline for regularly gridded data.
  • z: Tensor with the function values. x corrensponds to the rows and y to the columns. Must be sorted so ascendingly in both variables.
  • xlim: the lowest and highest x-value
  • ylim: the lowest and highest y-value
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proc newBilinearSpline[T](z: Tensor[T]; xlim, ylim: (float, float)): Interpolator2DType[
Returns a bilinear spline for regularly gridded data.
  • z: Tensor with the function values. x corrensponds to the rows and y to the columns. Must be sorted so ascendingly in both variables.
  • xlim: the lowest and highest x-value
  • ylim: the lowest and highest y-value
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proc newCubicSpline[T: SomeFloat](X: openArray[float]; Y: openArray[T]): InterpolatorType[
Returns a cubic spline. Source   Edit  
proc newHermiteSpline[T](X: openArray[float]; Y, dY: openArray[T]): InterpolatorType[
Constructs a cubic Hermite spline using x, y and derivatives of y. Source   Edit  
proc newHermiteSpline[T](X: openArray[float]; Y: openArray[T]): InterpolatorType[
Constructs a cubic Hermite spline by approximating the derivatives. Source   Edit  
proc newLinear1D[T](X: openArray[float]; Y: openArray[T]): InterpolatorType[T]
Constructs a linear interpolator. Source   Edit  
proc newNearestNeighbour2D[T](z: Tensor[T]; xlim, ylim: (float, float)): Interpolator2DType[
Returns a nearest neighbour interpolator for regularly gridded data.
  • z: Tensor with the function values. x corrensponds to the rows and y to the columns. Must be sorted so ascendingly in both variables.
  • xlim: the lowest and highest x-value
  • ylim: the lowest and highest y-value
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proc newTrilinearSpline[T](f: Tensor[T]; xlim, ylim, zlim: (float, float)): Interpolator3DType[
Returns a trilinear spline for regularly gridded data.
  • z: Tensor with the function values. x corrensponds to the first dimension, y to the second and z to the third. Must be sorted so ascendingly in both variables.
  • xlim: the lowest and highest x-value
  • ylim: the lowest and highest y-value
  • zlim: the lowest and highest z-value
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proc toDerivNumContextProc[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]): NumContextProc[T,
Convert interpolator's derivative to NumContextProc. Source   Edit  
proc toDerivProc[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]): InterpolatorProc[T]
Returns a proc to evaluate the derivative of the interpolator. Source   Edit  
proc toProc[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]): InterpolatorProc[T]
Returns a proc to evaluate the interpolator. Source   Edit  


converter toNumContextProc[T](spline: InterpolatorType[T]): NumContextProc[T,
Convert interpolator to NumContextProc. Source   Edit  


template eval[T, U](interpolator: InterpolatorUnstructured2DType[T, U]; x, y: T): untyped
Evaluate interpolator. Source   Edit  
template eval[T](interpolator: Interpolator2DType[T]; x, y: float): untyped
Evaluate interpolator. Source   Edit  
template eval[T](interpolator: Interpolator3DType[T]; x, y, z: float): untyped
Evaluate interpolator. Source   Edit